Monday, March 27, 2017

30th Day and Arrival Day

February 14th 2017

Morning Jakarta, Morning Indonesia, hahahahahaha
Hmmmmmm, this morning is very calm. The rain makes the weather be chilly. After taking a bath, we go the up stair in another building in this hotel to have a break fast.
Yuhuuuuuuu, we are so happy when we see the food. This is traditional food from Java. We miss everything from Indonesia, especially the food. We talk about our night in Jakarta while eating. Desy and Rina sleep early before us so they were not going anywhere. Nia was the one who talking too much in this morning and also took much food, hahahahahahahahahaha.

Around 08:00 a.m. we got ready to go to the airport using shuttle bus provided by the hotel. Not for so long we already in our way to the airport and arrive for several minutes later there.
We checked our baggages and showed the ticket then go to waiting room. You know I am so happy because I will meet with my Mom only for several hours again. I am impatient to get my flight, if I can make the time run faster than usual, yeaaah I’ll do. 

After waiting for several minutes, it’s time to come back home horraayy....... we came to the plane then took our sit. I sat near with Huda, hmmmmmm means I have a lot of time for gosipping hahahahahahaha. Yeahh actually not, we, both of us just slepping in our way. Around 1 hour we arrived at Syamsudinnor airport, Banjarmasin. Hmmmmmmm I miss my hometown. After finished in baggage claim, we say good bye for each other. Rina and I were taken by Rina’s father. From the airport to the house we used Rina’s car. In our way actually we weren’t talking too much because yeaahh you know we are so tired.......and hungry. Hahahahahahahahahhaa

Around 02:45 p.m., after 45 minutes from the airport , I arrived in the house. The car dropped me in front of gate my complex. I took my baggage and also some bags from car’s baggage. I said thank and good bye for Rina......

Then I walked into home as fast as I can. In front of door, my Mom has been waiting me already. She smiles and say hi...... huaaaaaa I miss her so bad. Yeaahhh finally I am in home now, it’s time to take a rest ....... You know my Mom opened my baggage and tried to find something special from Thailand immediately ahahahahahahahahahaha.

Have a nice rest everyone, especially for all students exchange of SEA-Teacher Program by SEAMEO whereever you are hehehehehehe.

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